Dan67: 😇 assolutamente SI (..nel 2006 in Nuova Zelanda salì su un albero di cocco per raccogliere....cadde e fù operato...la leggenda dice che l'anestesista ha avuto SERISSIMI problemi a capire la dose di anesetetico🤣🤣🤣In 2006, after swimming with bandmate Ronnie Wood off a private island in Fiji, Keith climbed a tree and perched himself in it, seven feet off the ground. When he jumped off, he knocked his head on the trunk. Days later, he had a blinding headache and suffered two seizures. The rocker had to be flown four hours to New Zealand where a neurosurgeon operated on him to fix a blood clot in his brain. Keith was back on stage six weeks later.
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14 Ottobre alle ore 18:38 · Ti stimo · Rispondi
14 Ottobre alle ore 22:10 · Ti stimo · Rispondi